- Tuition Fee / Monthly
Tuition Fee
Pre - K
Elementary (Grade 1-6)
Junior (Grade 7-10)
Senior (Grade 11-12)
- Registration fee: $100 (one time for new student).
- Miscellaneous fee: 6,000,000Vnd / year.
- Discounts:
+ 10% ( If parents pay whole year).
+ 5% (If parents have 2 kids or more than 2 kids, 10% for the third one).
- Tuition fee has to be paid on time from 5th to 10th of the month.
- The tuition fee includes the registration fee in the school in Philippines.
- For further information, please contact the followings:
+ Dr. Jose Rewel (Principal): 0 79 74 32 168
+ Mr.Triet (School Director): 0916 648 401 - 077 32 76 148
+ WABS’s numbers: (028) 39 106 576 – 39 106 577